Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Contador Suspended

Alberto Contador has been suspended for two years on doping charges. An appeal is soon to follow as Contador feels the suspension is unfair. There were actually two baseball players from Mexico who got caught taking the same drug and the meat defense worked. Granted they hadn't won the largest bike race in the world, I feel as though even if he didn't do it the consequences were too steep. They've already taken his title away and shamed his name, do they really need to ban him from the Olympics and the Tour de France? He's going to be tested in both and if he's doping he should get caught again. Just let him race so we can watch him lose.

(Source: BBC)

The BOXX on TechTues

Behold, the BOXX. An electric bicycle that tops out at 35mph! Go to the source for more!

(Via: Engadget)
(Source: Boxx)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monochromatic Monday!

After a busy weekend that took me to LA and back in time for the Super Bowl I haven't had much time to post. So I'll keep this one brief. Still working on those wheels, slowly but surely. It's not difficult so much as I just haven't had time to work on them. The front wheel is super close to being finished and the back wheel is on deck!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Welded Wednesday

Wednesdays will now feature bikes that are welded! No fancy carbon fiber in here. I want this day to more so reflect steel bikes in SB but until I get some pictures of steel bikes being ridden in the 805 I am going for just any steel bike. Here's a DODICI that reminds me of my own bike. 

(SOURCE: The Pedal Room)